Hypnotherapy Services Louisville, KY
A core premise of either hypnotherapy and NLP is that the person of change is crucial and responsible for success, or not. The desire to change must be greater than the fear of change – no matter the skills and experience of the practitioner, the results are hinged on whether a client is empowering of the change.
Clinical Hypnotherapy
Since 1958 Hypnosis has been recognized as a legitimate and therapeutic modality by the American Medical Association. This recognition coincided with the beginning of the explosion of pharmaceuticals upon the field of medicine and took precedence in the medical schools and hospitals.
Although Hypnosis as a viable alternative or adjunct procedure especially in surgery seemed almost extinct, there is an ever growing push by practitioners and patients alike for more holistic and evidence based alternative modalities to be utilized, even in conjunction with drugs, eg cancer protocols, for optimal beneficial outcomes.
Clinical Hypnosis lends itself beautifully to mind body connection such as weight loss, sexual issues, Psychosynthesis (the resolution of Adverse Childhood Events, ACE’s, & the expression of unexplained Illness with unknown clinical etiologies), psychological change work and psychotherapy, trauma incl C-PTSD and PTSD, grief, narcissistic abuse and Parental Alienation Management, fears, loss, study concerns, athletic performance, life stressors and changes such as divorce, moving, career change etc.
Psychiatric and forensic uses are fields where Hypnosis can be utilized where appropriate. A rummage through PubMed for peer reviewed published articles on the efficacy of Hypnosis confirms many benefits, one notable one is that hypnosis is the most effective method for cessation of smoking, well above any patches or chews or other modalities.

The Clinical Hypnotherapist is a practitioner or facilitator who guides the process of realization that the power of Hypnosis is within the individual patient or client and helps them to access their own inherent and individual resources to effect positive and functional change. This may include ego strengthening techniques. There are a plethora of strategies and techniques that can be employed by the hypnotherapist to effect trance state and change.
Specific clinical applications of hypnosis have subspecialties such as:
Integrated Medical
Where chronic pain & medically unexplained symptoms are addressed from ACE (Adverse Childhood Experiences)
(pre-op, post op, healing, pain control, childbirth, dentistry, cancer, autoimmune, etc), smoking cessation, end of life.
Ericksonian Hypnotherapy
Founded by the famed psychiatrist, Dr Milton Erickson who used a form of Brief Therapy where the patient’s past is not the focus of therapy and change, and where indirect communication via metaphors, storytelling and symbols influence and invite the subconscious to change rather than direct commands during trance state as used in other hypnosis techniques. This is often experienced as quite a profound and powerful technique.